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Create, process, and integrate atomic layers for futuristic applications!
Doctoral Student Openings
The Wang Lab at Duke University is seeking three talented students to pursue Duke University's Ph.D. program in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Undergraduate and master student in all engineering majors are welcome to apply.
To apply, email Dr. Wang using the subject "Graduate Opening - [Your Name] - [Your Current University]" with a single PDF containing:
1. one-page cover letter detailing your past study/research and application motivation
2. CV
3. transcript (course system screenshot acceptable)
4. three reference contacts.
Undergraduate/master Openings
The Wang Lab welcomes undergraduate/master students to join the group. We welcome all engineering majors, especially those already enrolled at Duke University.
To apply, email Dr. Wang using the subject "Intern Opening - [Your Name] - [Your Current University]" with a single PDF containing:
1. one-page cover letter outlining your previous studies/research and application motivation
2. CV
3. Transcript (course system screenshot acceptable)
4. One reference contact.
There are many undergraduate funding opportunities at Duke University. Please consider applying them for better support. Resources can be found here.
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